I am proud to say that Chloe has grown much more attached to me now than before. Personally, I would say that Chloe is perhaps more attached to me now than she is to Clare, but of course this "claim" of mine will be met by a fierce rebuttal from Clare (she would say that it is only because I give in to all of Chloe's whimsical demands, but none of it is true......hahaha). I can barely leave Chloe alone without her searching/looking for me !! When I leave home without her, she cries........ when she's feeling shy she clings on to me........when she's not feeling well, she would come to me for a warm and consoling hug....... and when it's her water-play time, it's me she looks for (and same goes for her bed time....). Earlier this morning when I got home after buying breakfast, Chloe who was lying comfortably on the living room couch heard me opening the main door and suddenly mutterred to her mom....."Papa....", got up quickly from the couch and ran to the door to greet and welcome me home!! It was such a nice and warm feeling to be missed when I'm gone, and I was only away for 20 minutes!!.....hahaha...
Chloe is also demonstrating progress in her communicative skills, and is getting more vocal these days........ She's able to communicate in sentences or at least a 'string of words', even though some of the things she utters could simply be an imitation of what she hears from others. A couple of days back, Chloe came home and all of a sudden uttered to her mom..."Everybody please sit on the mat"...... Clare looked at her blankly, then broke into laughter......haha.... must have been something the teacher said to the toddlers in school. On another ocassion while Clare was feeding Chloe porridge, Chloe for the very first time said to her mom....."Mommy, enough...." - Chloe used to turn her head away or simply refused to open her mouth when she's full. And now whenever Chloe's hands are dirty, she would say to her mom "Mommy, hands dirty cannot touch Nana" - which is something Clare has been re-iterating to her in the past. It's fun to have Chloe communicate with us using more than the usual 'one word or two'......
Other commendable developments include better recognition of places and people........ for example when we've reached home Chloe would never fail to recognise the brightly lighted coffeeshop in our neighbourhood and exclaim "Mommy, we're home...". And each morning when I approach the designated drop off point (near Chloe's child care centre), Chloe would recognise the building and automatically say "Bye bye daddy....". However, such good memory and recognition does sometimes pose a problem........every evening when we pick Chloe up from the childcare centre, we would walk past Sushi-Tei restaurant (@Far East Square) and Chloe would immediately run towards the restaurant entrance asking for her favourite japanese snack 'edamame' (soya beans)!! - so much so that we had to de-tour from the usual path that we normally take whilst walking from the childcare centre to the carpark. Chloe is also able to accurately recognise and distinguish the photos of her paternal grandparents from her maternal grandparents. Her singing skills have also improved..... now she can sing songs like "Happy Birthday" to the both of us (see video clip below)...... and she'll always sing it first to one of us, then to the other, ensuring she doesn't neglect either one of us.....haha....
Well, until the next update on Chloe's developments, here's "Proud Daddy" signing off.....
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