The flight back was at Terminal 1, but since we were there with the kids we took the skytrain to the newer/larger Terminal 3 as well....
These days, Clare and I derive our entertainment by observing Chloe's various antics..... for example when Chloe walks alongside us she would sometimes do the 'little hop', but strangely her feet remains firmly planted on the ground and she never actually experiences a "lift off".... which is probably due to her big tummy!! haha.....
Chloe is also getting more stubborn..... what they say about 'Terrible Two' can't be more true (she's turning two years old on 5 Feb). At the airport, there was a moment when Chloe refused to follow Clare and went on to wander about aimlessly..... whenever she does that to us nowadays, we would just hide in a corner until she realises that we went missing....... she'll then have this really cute and clueless expression as she goes round calling out "mommy..." or "daddy..." (wish I could show you the look on her face....haha). There were these few people who happened to be sitting there reading their newspapers, and Chloe even went as far as popping her head below the newspaper just to get a glimpse of the hidden faces to see whether they were indeed her mommy or daddy!! haha....
At Terminal 3, there was also this lovely set up with some of the Disney characters as backdrop....... Chloe and Anthea were immediately attracted to the bright and colourfully lighted Disney characters.....