Lilypie Kids birthday Ticker

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Field trip to the airport

Clare's brother Kelvin recently got married and went off to Korea for his honeymoon, and the entire family went to the airport to welcome him back.....

The flight back was at Terminal 1, but since we were there with the kids we took the skytrain to the newer/larger Terminal 3 as well....

These days, Clare and I derive our entertainment by observing Chloe's various antics..... for example when Chloe walks alongside us she would sometimes do the 'little hop', but strangely her feet remains firmly planted on the ground and she never actually experiences a "lift off".... which is probably due to her big tummy!! haha.....

Chloe is also getting more stubborn..... what they say about 'Terrible Two' can't be more true (she's turning two years old on 5 Feb). At the airport, there was a moment when Chloe refused to follow Clare and went on to wander about aimlessly..... whenever she does that to us nowadays, we would just hide in a corner until she realises that we went missing....... she'll then have this really cute and clueless expression as she goes round calling out "mommy..." or "daddy..." (wish I could show you the look on her face....haha). There were these few people who happened to be sitting there reading their newspapers, and Chloe even went as far as popping her head below the newspaper just to get a glimpse of the hidden faces to see whether they were indeed her mommy or daddy!! haha....

Getting ready for the "little hop".....

At Terminal 3, there was also this lovely set up with some of the Disney characters as backdrop....... Chloe and Anthea were immediately attracted to the bright and colourfully lighted Disney characters.....

"Wow, look at the size of that tummy! Chloe darling, I think it's time for you to shed some kilos off that tummy!!" haha....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Water play at IMM

Of late, Choe started to really enjoy her bathtime.....and that's only because she spends most of the time playing with water. Unfortunately, majority of the sessions ends up with her crying as she's reluctantly coerced by either her mom or myself to leave the bathroom.......if we didn't do that, she'll probably be more than happy to stay in there (in her small little bathtub) throughout the entire day !! haha....

Clare's sister Jaslyn thus suggested that we take the two girls to IMM, where there is a water themed playground.....

The water playground is usually pretty crowded on weekends, but I can fully understand the attractiveness of this place. The kids really do enjoy themselves, whilst parents can supervise their kids without having to actually get wet!! At first, Chloe was kind of apprehensive about getting wet - you could tell as she was just wandering around the place and merely observing the water features as well as the antics of the other kids. But she warmed up to the place pretty quickly as her cousin Anthea was there to 'drag her along'.......haha... and to provide the necessary encouragement.

After the water-play session, we bought some pastries for the two girls...... who were clearly exhausted and hungry!!

Meet my new cousin, Vera Poh

Let me introduce you to my new playmate. Vera 妹妹 arrived on 15 Oct 08 and she now joins the Hello Kitty gang which includes Anthea 姐姐 and myself. Oh no !! This means that I'm no longer the youngest in the family.....but I'm sure grandpa & grandma will still dote on me as much as before.... hehe....